Meat Compounds MAY Boost Cancer Risk

By | August 3, 2010

People with highest levels of dietary nitrite had nearly a 30 percent increase in risk, study shows

“Our findings highlight the importance of studying meat-related compounds to better understand the association between meat and cancer risk,” study author Amanda J. Cross,

via Meat Compounds May Boost Bladder Cancer Risk.

But AGAIN when we look at the study abstract HERE

2,719 colorectal cancer cases were ascertained from a cohort of 300,948 men and women

2719 / 300948 = 0.0470 = 0.90 % chance of getting the cancers studied.

A 30% rise is 0.9 x 1.3 = 1.17 % So from the lowest to the highest eaters of the meats studied the range of the cancers studied are from 0.9 % of the population to 0.17 % of the population.  But it still sounds scarier to say 30% increase in risk……