Signs of suicide and how to know if your teen needs help

By | September 8, 2016

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. – It’s the start of the school year which means teens will be busy with homework, sports practice and other after school activities.

Sometimes the pressure to keep up and fit in can be overwhelming. It’s probably no coincidence that September is Teen Suicide Awareness Month.

Recently we learned of yet another teen suicide in West Michigan, this time in Cedar Springs.

Christy Buck from the Mental Health Foundation talks with Health Reporter Valerie Lego about how to know the signs of suicide and how to help because many times they are kids who might get straight A’s, who seem to have it all together.

Watch the full interview in the video above. For more information click here.

Sometimes the pressure to keep up and fit in can be overwhelming.

Source: Signs of suicide and how to know if your teen needs help