Illegal tax to keep doctors and insurance companies wealthy and the middle class on a path to ruin!Early look at health law’s premiums – Yahoo! Finance

By | September 6, 2013

They also said the personal income tax was temporary and would never go above 1% of a persons wages…

They always give the premium for an individual to avoid sticker shock. A 60 year old couple with the mid- range plan will pay $1528 per month based on the individual example they gave of $764 per month. That’s a lot of money for a very not good health plan

.So I am going to have to fork over nearly 500 bucks a month for a 70/20 insurance with out of pocket costs of 6350 a year. I cannot afford insurance now, even if someone was to insure me have preexisting conditions. I am going to have to decide if I want to continue living in my house or start..

The more I read about the ACA the more I’m reminded of the old adage, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

So I know a Gal who does this: pell grants, mediciad, cell phone section 8 cash assistance and EBT card..she has no job, I work full-time..and she gets 30-35 grand in sweetness from Mamerica..I get bent over and shafted..shes happy, I’m stressed..I asked her about the new great HC plan..she said it..

Now go back to your TV’s pussies you are not going to do a damm thing about it.

via APNewsBreak: Early look at health law’s premiums – Yahoo! Finance.