Renee Martin is schooled over at Womanist Musings

By | August 22, 2012

Ignorant feminazi is schooled by blog followers AND her editor.

(No shit an editor for a blog!)

Renee Martin over at Womanist Musings is spouting off about how she knows so much about ancient Rome that

No authentic Roman woman would be worrying about her bikini line, or whether or not she had armpit hair. “

She is off on this subject joining the bandwagon of lazy man haters and asexuals that insist on being ungroomed and want to try to shame anyone that does.

Well she got schooled! If she did any fucking research at all on what she speaks of she would STFU.

The editor at least corrects the article at the end… how many folks actually read this kind of drivel to the end?

Editors Note: A correction: Roman women of class privilege did shave body hair; however, slaves, as this image depicted did not.

And as most students of the subject know throughout recorded history (and likely before) women have chosen to keep themselves hygienic and attractive as opposed to matty, natty, nit together and nasty.

You can read the entire drivel here or if she does not make changes at the link below.

Better Trim That Pubic Hair (NSFW)

As most of you know, I am a fan of the cable show “Spartacus of Blood and Sand”.  Every week male frontal nudity is a mainstay and in fact, this week I finally got a look at a particular man that I was very curious about (you can call me naughty later).  Spartacus is attempting to be a historical fiction based on a true story; however, certain details are particularly problematic.

(Editor’s note: the image formerly displayed here has been removed because of nudity)

As you can see, female nudity is not an issue for this show.  It is always done tastefully; however, I have noticed that despite the fact that this show is supposedly based on ancient Rome, modern grooming aesthetics continue to dominate.  Notice how carefully groomed the pubic hair is?  If you are looking for a stray arm pit hair you won’t find it either.  It seems that even for the sake of historical accuracy, the idea that women did not always attend with such care to their bodily hair is troubling.

Why is hair on women such an issue?  It is as though we seek to create a world in which women never leave a pre-pubescent state.   I will certainly agree that how women choose to groom their bodies is an individual choice; however, we should not ignore the fact that much of this choice, is mitigated by the norms we have created.

Even in a show that is attempting to convey historical accuracy, the women have shaved armpits and scrupulously groomed pubic hair.  No authentic Roman woman would be worrying about her bikini line, or whether or not she had armpit hair.  I would not be surprised if upon closer inspection, you would find that all of the actresses also shaved their legs.  Why is there so much fear regarding hair?  Hair on your legs armpits or crotch, is not suddenly going to make you less female.

We talk about choice and female agency and yet the moment a woman decides not to participate in the cult of hairlessness, she is immediately disciplined. I simply don’t understand how hair which is naturally occurring, can be so problematic and yet vajazzling is considered this wonderful discovery.  Your crotch does not need to look like a disco ball.

For all of our freedom and agency, we still have not reached a point where we feel that personal grooming is up to the individual, because even in times when it certainly does not make sense, we promote a particular aesthetic.  We constantly talk about the beauty of the female form and yet in its most natural simplistic state we consider it not only unacceptable, but deeply flawed.

Editors Note: A correction: Roman women of class privilege did shave body hair; however, slaves, as this image depicted did not.

SP: Hippies, homeless and hags are hairy. To be otherwise is like saying … Oh I don’t wipe my ass because it’s not natural…

I stopped asking for a “cared for” pelvic region a long time ago… If I encounter one these days I just immediately leave… never looking back or calling back.

Womanist Musings: Better Trim That Pubic Hair (NSFW).

A good history from the beaver shaver is

A History of Pubic Hair Removal
The earliest shaving devices discovered are flint blades possibly dating as far back as 30,000 BC. Not only does flint provide an extremely sharp edge for shaving, it also becomes dull rather quickly, making these the first disposable razors. Did prehistoric women shave their pubic hair? We’ll never know, but you can be sure some prehistoric males were urging them to do so.

From 4,000 to 3,000 BC, women removed body hair with home-grown depilatory creams made from a bizarre combination of such questionable ingredients as arsenic and quicklime. Copper razors appeared around 3,000 BC in both India and Egypt. The most elaborate razors of prehistory appear around 1,500 to 1,200 BC in Scandinavia where Danish Mound Graves yielded razors in leather carrying cases with etched bronze blades and carved handles. No doubt the Vikings liked their women shaved.

The practice of pubic hair removal goes back to the dawn of civilization. To early Egyptians, a smooth and hairless body was the standard of beauty. The practice first gained total acceptance when it was practiced by the wife of Farao; afterwards, every upper class Egyptian woman made sure there was not a single hair on her body with the exception of her head. They used primitive depilatory creams and a form of waxing that utilized a sticky emulsion of oil and honey – the forerunner of what we now call “sugaring.”

The Greeks adopted the ideal of smoothness, capturing it over and again in their sculpture. Ancient Greek sculptures of women are universally clean-shaven, whereas the sculptures of men have pubic hair. The Greeks believed that a smooth, hairless body exemplified youth and beauty. In “Sexual Life in Ancient Greece” by Hans Licht, the author describes how the Greeks disapproved of women with pubic hair and considered it ugly. It was considered a sign of class distinction and subsequently all upper-class women practiced pubic hair removal, as did many women of the lesser classes.

The Romans also disapproved of pubic hair; young girls began removing it as soon as the first hair appeared. They used tweezers, which they called the “volsella” as well as a kind of depilatory cream called the “philotrum” or “dropax” which was sometimes made with bryonia and foreshadowed modern depilatory creams. Waxing with resin or pitch was also used to depilate. Furthermore, the practice of pubic hair removal wasn’t unique to Rome – it was practiced in even the most remote parts of the empire. Julius Caesar (101-44 BC) writes that, “The Britons shave every part of their body except their head and upper lip.” It is reported that Poppaea, wife of the Roman Emperor Nero, used depilatory creams to remove unwanted body hair daily. At that time, the latest available creams included some wonderful ingredients like resin, pitch, white vine or ivy gum extract, ass’ fat, she-goat’s gall, bat’s blood, and powdered viper.

Islam also has a long history of pubic hair removal. According to the Sunnah, every adult Muslim, as a part of keeping his/her body clean, should remove the hair from his pubic area and armpits. The hair may be removed through any method that one feels comfortable with. The spread of Islam brought the practice to India, Northern Africa, and the other vast areas of the world under Muslim influence. In 1520, Bassano de Zra wrote that “The Turks consider it sinful when a woman lets the hair on her private parts grow. As soon as a woman feels the hair is growing, she hurries to the public bath to have it removed or remove it herself.” The public baths all had special rooms where the ladies could get rid of their hair. Even today, the hamams (public baths) still have special rooms for the ladies to depilate.

The returning Crusaders (1096-1270) brought the practice back to Europe. In many European castles built between 1200 and 1600 AD, a special room was constructed where the ladies of the court could gather to shave. During the Renaissance, the practice of pubic hair removal flourished. Sixteenth and seventeenth century artists portrayed women as having little or no pubic hair. The work of Rubens, whose models typified the ideal in feminine beauty at the time, most dramatically reveals this.

The habit of depilating started to wane (publicly at least) during the reign of Catherine de Medici (1547-1589) who was then queen of France and something of a religious zealot. She forbade her ladies in waiting to remove their pubic hair any longer; however, it was still widely practiced until the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) and the smothering prudishness of the “Victorian Era.” Even then, it remained popular in private, especially for the ruling classes. There is some photographic evidence ranging from the time of the Civil War to the “blue movies” of the 1920s and 30s that shows that the amount of pubic hair during that time varied from full to none. Even though repressed by the outward morality of the era, it appears pubic shaving never disappeared but instead more appropriately went underground.

The modern industrial age saw the rise of such razor manufacturers as Gillette, Schick, and Wilkinson. With the availability of cheap, quality razors, the practice of women removing their body hair became more publicly acceptable again. When women’s clothing styles began showing bare arms and legs in the 1920s, leg and underarm shaving followed immediately. In fact, armpit shaving was not common until May of 1915 when Harper’s Bazaar magazine featured a model in a sleeveless evening gown that showed her bare shoulders and hairless armpits. Shortly thereafter, Wilkinson Sword launched an advertising campaign to convince women that underarm hair was “unhygienic and unfeminine.” Sales of razors doubled in two years, perhaps the result of pent-up demand.

With leg and underarm shaving now publicly accepted, it wasn’t too long until pubic shaving was once again more widely, and publicly, practiced. With the advent of the bikini, there became a need to remove “bikini line” hair. From the bikini line to complete hairlessness was not a large step, and pubic shaving began to be widely practiced again in the 1960s. A quick scan of Playboy and Penthouse magazines over the last few decades will show that full bushes in the early 1970s trended towards the little or no hair that is common today.

These days, there is far more public acceptance of pubic shaving. In spite of years of religious constraints and hysterical comparisons with pedophilia, pubic shaving is becoming generally accepted. After all, a large portion of the world’s population practices it for religious reasons, and another large potion for esthetic and hygienic reasons. Besides, it’s hard to shave your underarms and legs and then chastise someone else for shaving their pubic area. What’s the difference? Body adornment/enhancement has been with us since we lived in caves. It’s part of who we are. Enjoy it.

Note: This history was written using a number of internet sources, and the content is as reliable as its sources. In other words, it may all be true, but it may be B.S. I wouldn’t use this for a term paper, even if I could find a school where you get to do a term paper on pussy shaving.

On one level, it might seem that the subject of pubic hair removal by women is somewhat trivial and not worthy of
serious consideration. However, the reasons why many women choose to remove their pubic hair, and the messages in
the media and popular culture that encourage the removal of pubic hair, are interesting areas of research.  The social,
cultural and historical influences that affect the choice of personal hygiene and grooming techniques have been
explored in recent studies on pubic hair removal.  These studies introduce important concepts that relate to sexuality,
body image, and the power of the popular media.  This edition of Check the Research summarizes and discusses recent
studies in this area of research. But first, let’s look at a brief history of pubic hair removal throughout the ages.
FEmAlE PubiC HAiR REmovAl

History of Pubic Hair removal
In reviewing the literature, Ramsey, Sweeney, Fraser and Oades (2009) note that statues from ancient Egypt and Greece
provide evidence that some form of pubic hair removal was practiced by women in these cultures.  The presence of
pubic hair on women was considered to be “uncivilized”, and statues reflected the ideal of a hairless, feminine body.
In Ancient Rome, body hair removal was most often practiced by upper class women. Women in Ancient Middle
Eastern and African cultures also underwent various forms of pubic hair removal, and used such methods as shaving
and plucking.  Historians note that while pubic hair removal was not widely practiced during the Middle Ages, some
European women removed pubic hair to avoid body lice (Ramsey et al.).
According to Hansen (2007), pubic hair removal was not common among western women until the 20th
century. In the
early part of the century, shaving of leg and underarm hair became acceptable, with the introduction of arm and leg
baring fashions.   In 1915, Gillette marketed the first razor for women with the message that body hair was “unsightly”
and “objectionable” and needed to be removed.  Body hair removal was characterized as being “feminine” and “sanitary.”
With the introduction of the first bikini swimsuit in 1946, women were now faced with the need to remove pubic hair
that might be exposed by this new fashion (Hansen).
With the rise of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s, many women chose to accept their natural body hair and to reject
culturally imposed ideals of hairless, childlike, feminine beauty (Dault, 2011).  However, by the 1990s, it was becoming
more common for women to practice some form of pubic hair removal at various times in their lives.  Again, fashion
and marketing played a role in pubic hair removal trends.  Swimsuits and lingerie that necessitated the removal of most
or all pubic hair, and an increasing abundance of body hair removal products and services, led to a gradual, cultural
acceptance of the practice of pubic hair removal. Over recent years, pornography has also cultivated an image of the
sexually attractive woman who is characterized by the absence of pubic hair. The growth of online pornography has
meant that for many young men and women, this image is now considered to be the norm (Dault).

recent studies
Studies on the practice of pubic hair removal have been conducted by researchers in the United States, Canada and
Australia. While their findings are interesting and contribute to our understanding of why women choose to practice
pubic hair removal, and of the prevalence among certain populations, it is important to consider the limitations of the
research.  These studies often involve self-selected groups of participants who volunteer for a study because they are
interested in the subject matter, or because it is required by their course of study, in the case of university participants.
This means that a study might not be representative of all women in the population. As well, the participants in recent
studies are overwhelmingly white and heterosexual. Again, this means that these studies cannot be generalized to
larger populations that are racially, culturally and sexually diverse.

Source: Riddell, L., Varto, H, Hodgson, Z.G. (2010).  Smooth talking: The phenomenon of pubic hair removal in women.
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 19 (3), 121-130. Responses combine “agree” and “strongly agree” on a five
point scale.

A recent study of women in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia explored women’s motivations for pubic hair
removal (Riddell, Varto & Hodgson, 2010).  The authors found that the most common reasons given for pubic hair
removal were : “It looks better in a bathing suit”; “It makes me feel attractive”; “I feel feminine and more comfortable”;
and “I think it is cleaner.”  Few participants indicated that they remove pubic hair based on societal expectations (i.e. “It’s
the thing to do.”) (Figure 1) (Riddell, Varto & Hodgson, p. 124-125). However, some researchers have noted that even
though women don’t acknowledge societal pressure to remove pubic hair, certain standards of female beauty are so
prevalent in advertising and popular media that they are merely absorbed unquestioningly by many women (Tiggeman
& Hodgson, 2008). Riddell and colleagues also noted a number of physical complications among women in their study.
These included razor burns, ingrown hairs, rashes and bacterial infections.
Researchers in the United States conducted a large internet study to determine the prevalence of pubic hair removal
among women (Herbenick, Schick, Reece, Sanders & Forteberry, 2010).  This study of over 2,400 women between the
ages of 18 to 68 found a wide range of hair removal behaviours across age categories.  Women who removed all of
their pubic hair in the past month, either by waxing of shaving, were considered to be “typically hair free.” Women
aged 18 to 24 years reported the highest percentage (20%) of total hair removal,  followed by  12% of women aged 25
to 29 years, 8% of women aged 30 to 39 years, 6.5% of women aged 40 to 49 years, and 2% of women over 50 years.
The authors note that total pubic hair removal is often considered to be a social norm among women, however these
findings indicate that many women do not practice total pubic hair removal on a consistent basis. Herbenick and
colleagues speculate that the higher rates of total pubic hair removal among younger women may reflect the fact that
this is a new trend that is being embraced by the younger generation. However, since women in the study were not
specifically asked the reasons why they removed their pubic hair, this remains a speculation and not a
proven conclusion.

Tiggemann and Hodgson (2008) surveyed 235 Australian female undergraduates asking them about their body hair
removal practices and about the reasons why they removed body hair. The authors were also interested in whether
various forms of popular media, specifically fashion magazines and television programs, influenced the decisions of
women to remove their body hair. Almost all women in the study reported that they removed their leg (95%) and
underarm (98%) hair, and 61% of the sample reported that they currently removed their pubic hair. Among women who
removed their pubic hair, there was a considerable difference in the degree of removal, with 20% removing a little hair,
44% removing most hair, and 36% removing all hair. Waxing was cited as the preferred method of pubic hair removal.
When asked why they chose to remove their pubic hair, the most common reasons given by women related to the
desire to be sexually attractive and feminine.  The authors note that, “attributing their own hair removal behaviour to
femininity and sexual attractiveness reasons is exactly the kind of rationale that serves to keep women insecure about
their bodies (Tiggemann & Hodgson, p.895). The study also demonstrated a link between reading fashion magazines
and viewing specific television programmes (i.e. Sex and the City and Big Brother) and the frequency and amount of
pubic hair removal.  However, the question of whether advertising and popular media directly influence women to
practice pubic hair removal cannot be answered by this research.
WHat’s tHe take Home message?
The issue of pubic hair removal by women can be approached in various ways. It can provide an area of study for
those interested in changing concepts of femininity and sexual attractiveness. It can also be an area of study for those
concerned about the relationship between popular media and how women view their bodies.  The historical trends
associated with pubic hair removal can be viewed in the context of artistic, cultural, and social developments.  The
current research indicates that there is a wide range in terms of the prevalence and practices associated with pubic
hair removal.  While studies show that it has increased in popularity over the last decade, more research is needed to
establish its acceptance and prevalence among broader segments of the female population.

Dault, M. (2011). The last triangle: Sex, money, and the politics of pubic hair. Unpublished Master’s Thesis.
Queen’s University. Kingston, Ontario.
Hansen, K. (2007). Hair or bare?:  The history of American women and hair removal, 1914-1934. Unpublished Senior
Thesis in American Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University.  New York.
Herbenick, D., Schick, V., Reece, M., Sanders, S. & Fortenberry, J.D. (2010). Pubic hair removal among women in the
United States: Prevalence, methods, and characteristics. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7, 3322-3330.
Ramsey, S., Sweeny, C., Fraser, M. & Oades, G. (2009). Pubic hair and sexuality: A review.  Journal of Sexual Medicine, 6,
Riddell, L., Varto, H. & Hodgson, Z. (2010). Smooth talking: The phenomenon of pubic hair removal in women.
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 19, 121-130.
Tiggemann, M. & Hodgson, S. (2008). The hairless norm extended: Reasons for and predictors of women’s body hair
removal at different body sites. Sex Roles, 59, 889-897.

Then we have those over at the telegraph

August 15th, 2010 10:24
Pubic Hair: An Islamic History

By coningsby

The subject of niche histories is rather curious. As I’ve said previously—it can be a means to examine further erstwhile un-examined territories, but it can also be a diversion into overtly pointless meticulousness. Yet at times when one is rather surrounded by social phenomena with seemingly no properly accounted for history—it is often interesting to examine such things further.

This particular examination derives from a request of sorts. A previous blog I wrote somehow conjured a discussion on the shaving of pubic hair—something that’s become something of a fashion in secular societies in the last 20 years or so. So here’s a bit of history of this practice.

There are many physical practices various Abrahamic traditions have inherited from the ancient Egyptians. Some of the more well-known are the perfuming of the flesh, ornate hair styles, genital mutilation and yes the removal of body hair. In Greece and Rome whilst the more radical permanent mutilations to the genital area were neglected, the tradition of removing a female’s pubic hair continued, first amongst the upper classes—a practice which later trickled down to broader elements of society. In the Hellenic and Romantic worlds, removal of hair didn’t serve an express spiritual function but was rather a fashion convention.

In early Christian Europe the practice slowly died out—but in a far, far more gradualistic way than one could imagine. Whilst in the Medieval period the practice would have been mostly confined to the female aristocracy—the practice became much more private than in pre-Christian Rome and Greece, as is understandable in the context of the far more demure line on human physical which Christian took vis-à-vis Olympian religions.

In the centuries following the life of Mohammad, the practice had all but waned, by most accounts in Christendom—but it was during the collating of the Islamic tradition in The Hadith, that both female and male pubic hair shaving took on its most elaborate form.
Yes, for those who are not aware—and I suspect this is many, the removal of hair around the penis, vagina, anus and under-arm is a crucial element of Sunan al-Fitra. Fitra in Arabic and within the context of Islam has no precise English translation—but I would suggest the closest analogue would be the Greco-English word, ‘orthopraxy’. Fitra is therefore a kind of code of requisite personal conduct for the Moslem and Sunan al-Fitra is the code of requisite personal conduct to do with the body.

Practices relating to Sunan al-Fitra are found in many post Koranic texts throughout Islam—but the most thorough and crucial to Islamic practice is The Sahih al-Bukhari, a large collection of Hadiths collected by The Imam Mohammad Al-Bukhari. It is indeed from Sahih al-Bukhari that Moslems have been instructed to submit to the Old Testament rite of circumcision—something St. Paul decided to forsake—mostly as an effective publicity aim to win converts more readily. Because of the at times ambiguous language of these texts, Islamic scholars have often been conflated over wither the Sunan al-Fitra mandating circumcision applies only to males as the Old Testament understanding of this practice would imply—or whether it applies to females as well. This of course is the basis of not only an existential crisis within Islam but indeed the genesis of the largest human rights crisis in the world to-day: the horrors of forced female genital mutilation based on a radical interpretation of The Sahih al-Bukhari and other texts speaking of Sunan al-Fitra.

But now back to the less ‘hairy’ issue. The Sahih al-Bukhari explicitly states that all Moslems are required to pluck away the hairs that grown from the base of the naval through the genital area and behind to the anus—it goes on to say that the underarms must be removed of hair in a likewise fashion. Whilst other body hair apart from the genital and underarm area are not mentioned here in any detail—many Islamic scholars have understood the removal of all body hair to be a recommended element of Sunan al-Fitra before one engages in a profound holy struggle—known in Arabic and now in English also, as jihad. Indeed there have been several cases in the Israel/Palestine conflict of attempted Islamist suicide bombers being examined for the absence of all body hair as a possible indicator of their would-be crimes.

Back now to Christendom, where by 1900 the practise of trimming pubic hair was more or less non-existent except perhaps as an historically un-documented niche. However in the years following The Great War female fashion became less and less restrictive to the body and gradually the flesh was more and more liberated. This spawned the new phenomena in the west of the shaving of the female legs and underarms. In the decades following the so-called sexual revolution after The Second World War—eventually the removal of female pubic hair also became something of a popular fashion—though at no time one practised by the majority of females in any country with a broadly Christian heritage. It is often thought that the origin of broadly ‘western’ female pubic hair removal originated amongst the pre-Christian societies of Brazil. Indeed the practice is known to have existed before the first Iberian explorers landed in what is now Brazil. But there is no documentation as to whether the removal of pubic hair via hot wax pre-dates the highly documented requirements of both women and men to do this in Islam. Indeed the practice has existed in Islam since roundabout the 9th century.

So there we have it—something that too many is a find of fashion statement or even a sexual statement is actually something partly borrowed from the most sexually oppressive of the three most sexually oppressive religions in world history.


The history of depilation goes back to cave days, where in prehistoric caves evidence has been found that men of that era used sharpened stones to remove hair from their faces.


The ancient Egyptians had an elevated concept of aesthetics and hygiene and they depilated the whole body. The women used depilatory creams made from the blood of animals, turtles, worms or from hippopotamus fat (Eber papyrus 1500 b.c.). They used waxes that they made with sugar, water, lemon, oil and honey or sycamore (sacred tree), sap and cucumber.

The men used razors of flint, then copper and iron.

The Egyptian priests and priestesses could not enter the temples without complying with this ritual.

In Greece, the Greeks considered a depilated body to be the ideal of beauty, youth and innocence. The sculptures from this period show feminine bodies fully depilated and without pubic hair. This was practised amongst the upper social echelons.

They used candles to burn the hair, abrasive elements  such as pumice stone, waxes made from animal blood, resins, ashes and minerals.

The courtesans used depilatory cream called “dropax”, a paste consisting of vinegar and earth from Cyprus.

In Rome, the Roman women also did it to look beautiful and they began to depilate their pubic hair in adolescence as it began to appear.

They used tweezers, called “volsella”, “dropax” and resin and tar-based waxes called “philotrum”.

In the public baths there were depilation rooms.

There were specialist slaves, “alipilarius” who in the brothels depilated the pubic hair of the courtesans.

In India they used copper razors and the threading technique.

Depilation of pubic hair had a special erotic significance.

It was an aphrodisiac act.

Muslims, according to the Sunnah, must depilate in order to keep their bodies clean. Muslim women depilated the pubis and armpits. They used the threading technique.

This practice extended to India, Africa and other regions under the influence of Islam.

In China, depilation was a sign of hygiene and purity.

Nuns, in order to be ordained, had to go through the tonsure ritual, and the entirety of their heads were shaved, as can be seen in the frescoes of the Mongao Caves in DunHuang, China.

The Turks consider it sinful for women to allow hair to grow on their private parts. The Public Baths had special rooms, called “hamams”, where the ladies depilated, and they still exist today.

Jewish women depilated using the threading technique.

The depilator would hold the wire in her teeth and form a triangle, holding each extreme with her thumbs; she would then pass the rolled thread over the hirsute area, pulling the hairs up by the root.

The threading technique is still practiced today and has become fashionable in the West.


Women used a paste that contained quick lime and arsenic to depilate their eyebrows.

Many European castles built between 1200 and 1600 AD had a room in which the ladies would depilate.

In the Renaissance (XV-XVIII centuries) depilation continued to be fashionable using bandages impregnated with vinegars and oils.

And they began once again to depilate some parts of the body with tweezers and razors.

Artists painted women with little or no pubic hair, as can be seen in the paintings: “The Three Graces” by Rubens and “Birth of Venus” by Boticcelli.

In the Americas, many villages practiced shaving different body parts.

The Argentinean Aborigines who depilated were the Puelches, Guenaken, Tehuelches, Araucanos and the Avipones. These latter were called “frentones”  (“the foreheads”) by the Spanish because they depilated the hair from their faces right up to half way round their heads, including eyebrows and eyelashes.

They used tweezers which they made from sea shells, scissors made from bream jawbone and flints from filed shellfish valves.


In 1762, Jean Jacques Perret, a French barber, created the first shaving razor with a metal border upon the blade to prevent cuts to the skin.


In 1903, King Gillette invents the first shaving razor with interchangeable blades.

In 1920, the use of wax begins from a base of bees wax, resin and paraffin.

In 1931, the first electric razor is invented by Jacob Schick.

Fashion introduces short skirts, uncovered cleavages and arms, and depilation then becomes a necessity for women the world over.

Depilatory creams appear, which chemically destroy the hair, attacking the keratin and partly modifying its growth.

In 1940, the first dual head razor is invented by Remington and he causes a sensation when he announces the first electric razor designed expressly for women.

Thermolysis and electrolysis Electric Depilation become popular.
The concept of electrolysis began more than 100 years ago, with ophthalmologist Charles Michael.

“He connected a needle with electrical cable to a dry battery, he inserted it for a few minutes into an in-growing eyelash, destroying the follicle and the hair never grew back”.

In 1958, Gordon Gould whilst researching microwaves has a brilliant idea, “amplify a flash of light” called “LASER” (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation).

In 1960, Harold Maiman develops and patents the Ruby Laser, the first to be used in dermatological applications.

In 1994, Dr Anderson and Dr Grossman, with a high strength Ruby Laser, begin the era of “selective photothermolysis” and Laser Depilation.

In the last decade, Laser technology and Intense Pulsed Light have had and continue to have a vertiginous development. Today we have equipment with different applications in various medical specialties: laser depilation, angiomas, rosacea, varicose veins, skin spots, wrinkles, keratosis, verrucas, acne, vitiligo, cutaneous photo-ageing, ophthalmological surgery, etc.

Us humans are destined to lose our hair because the warming of the planet will mean that Homo Sapiens can do without this insulating layer against the cold.

This will happen in millions of years; in the meantime we will continue to depilate ourselves as we have done since the beginning of humanity.


January 13th, 2007 at 1:03 pm
Female Pubic Hair Restoration Surgery
in: Hot Issues


Pubic hair growth is a significant concern for Korean Woman. The problem stems from psychological issues because Korean men of all ages consider it unlucky to have sex with a woman who does not have pubic hair. Since communal bathing is a common practice and the lack of pubic hair quickly becomes common knowledge, many women are now opting for pubic hair restoration surgery.



Here are the results of a pubic hair study conducted in Seoul, Korea.  100 patients participated in this study. Each underwent this surgery utilising mini and micro-hair grafts.
Analysis included the age distribution, history of relatives, combined diseases, stress factors, type of stress suffered, and the degree of satisfaction with the surgery.


Age distribution
The age distribution of the patients was 22-59 years.
The most common age group being 41-50 years 43%
43% of the patients were aged 41-50 years
22% of the patients were aged 32-40 years
19% of the patients were aged 21-30 years
17% of the patients were aged 51-60 years

Family History
The family history was studied in 76% of the patient’s.
In 51% of cases a sister was similarly affected.
In 32% of cases both Mother and a sister were similarly affected.
The study concluded that 8% of Korean women suffer this problem.

Combined Diseases
In 4% of cases the patient was suffering Hypertension
In 4% of cases the patient was suffering Thyroid disease.

Types of Stresses
In 68% of patients aged 20-30 Bathing/Sex were the principle causes.
In 59% of patients aged 31-40 Bathing was the principle cause.
In 60% of patients aged 41-50 Bathing was the principle cause.
In 71% of patients aged 51-60 Bathing was the principle cause.

Degree of Satisfaction:
70% considered the results of surgery Excellent.
25% considered the results of surgery Good
5% considered the results of surgery Poor.