Vigilante dad sheds light on cops abuse of power hiding a child rapist and child killer

By | October 28, 2011

After three decades spent trying to find justice for his daughter’s rape and murder in 1982, Frenchman Andre Bamberski found the man he says did it, kidnapped him in Germany, and placed him in the hands of police in France.

Andre Bamberski has spent almost 30 years living with the knowledge that his daughter wasn’t just hurt. She was sexually abused and killed. And no one has ever had to pay for the crime due to a lack of interest in Germany and a lack of backbone in France.

Dieter Krombach was married to Bamberski’s ex-wife, and hence the stepfather to his 14-year-old daughter Kalinka. French police say the German doctor raped and then killed his daughter at his home in Germany.

But Krombach has resisted French officials’ requests that he come into their country for questioning for the past 29 years. The German government, claiming there isn’t sufficient evidence to suggest he played a role in the girl’s death, has likewise refused to extradite him.

Bamberski’s tried legal channels, and felt like he was failing to live up to his duty as a dad. So he took the illegal route.   At 72 He became a criminal for his daughter’s sake, he’s now an old man who will have to face charges for sneaking the doctor across the border.

I suppose he could have just killed the Doctor and then seen if France would extradite him to Germany………