Bancor replacing the US Dollar

By | September 2, 2010

The third and final wipe out in the world money markets will completely wipe away all the “wealth / pittance” that the middle class has been able to amass since WWII.

There is the Euro.  There was and may be the Amero.  (US, Canada, Mexico) but those may give way to the Bancor before we know it.

Those euro-banksters are now trying to have a single world central bank so they can completely control the world.

Bancor: The Name Of The Global Currency That A Shocking IMF Report Is Proposing.

An interesting side note is that during the last California money crisis the state of CA was printing up IOU’s for their employees and banks were accepting them.  That in effect is a state printing money.  With the high level of inquires into how to start and manage a state owned bank like South Dakota has by several other states this may be the way to tell the euro-banksters to go fuck themselves.