Judge overturns the will of the people with mind reading

By | August 7, 2010

Judge Walker overturns Prop. 8

Walker is not attacking religion per se; he is just not giving religious expression any special consideration.

”He’s basically saying that a private moral view isn’t a rational basis for legislation,”


So what about the private moral views on marriage before the age of 18?

What about the private moral views on polygamy?

What about the private moral views on incest?

What about the private moral views on substance use in the privacy of your own home?

”Judge Walker claimed to read the minds of California’s voters, arguing that the majority voted for Proposition 8 based on religious opposition to homosexuality, which he then rejected as an illegitimate state interest,”

R. Albert Mohler, president of a leading Southern Baptist seminary in Kentucky, wrote in an online column.

So the judicial can negate the will of the people because they can see into our hearts and minds.

OH my the thought crimes we are all now capable of .

via Why the Prop 8 ruling scares religious conservatives | NewsOK.com.

I just get caught up in where this is going…

Aldo wants Frank to have citizenship.  So they marry.  Does the customs officer have to observe a sex act to insure that the marriage is not a sham?  What if they are bi and are both dating some wild and crazy girls?  Does this prove the marriage is a sham?

What if my brother needs medical insurance can I marry him and now he has it?

Can a son marry his aging mother so she will get medical insurance?

Can a son marry his father so that the father will have medical insurance?

If an aging person weds their offspring and the aging persons SSI will be paid to the offspring until the offspring dies how is that going to work?

Homosexuality is already taught in many schools as acceptable.  With passage of prop 8 there was some restrictions on pedophiles visiting our schools and recruiting new victims.  With the ruling against prop 8 those pedophiles will have free access to our schools again.

Is marriage only between two people?  What about a group?