liquidity trap!

By | July 7, 2010

Here’s one way to think about the liquidity trap — a situation in which conventional monetary policy loses all traction. When short-term interest rates are close to zero, open-market operations in which the central bank prints money and buys government debt don’t do anything. When Paul Krugman wrote about this back in 2008  the one-month Treasury rate was 0.57; the three-month rate was 0.825. Thus he asked “Are we there yet? Pretty close”

via How close are we to a liquidity trap? – Paul Krugman Blog –

So he now askes how much of the world is in the liquidity trap? HERE

So we are and have been in a full blown liquidity trap.  So whats that?

Well that is when all your liquid assests get sucked up by the euro-banksters that are running the world.

It is an excellent way to sweep all the chips off the table and into the houses account. Savings, Real estate, stocks, bonds, everything will be swept up.

So just keep watching football and soap operas and let the euro-banksters turn you into pesants.  You will be much easier to starve and rule that way.