Category Archives: Main Stream Media (MSM)

FDA uses implied LIES to limit competition and keep drug costs high

FDA shuts down 1,677 online pharmacies with NO supporting data or legal standing!   CNN — The prices may look tempting, but ordering from an online pharmacy is often a bad deal, according to Interpol and the U.S Food and Drug Administration, Often?  How often?  How about some actual information such as; Out of 14… Read More »

Despite U.S. Pressure, Countries Have ‘Substantial Discretion’ on Extradition :

It’s called sovereignty, you fucking globalists. Transcript MARGARET WARNER: For more on the legal issues surrounding Snowden’s fugitive travels, I’m joined by David Laufman, a former Department of Justice prosecutor and CIA analyst. He now works in private practice. And, Mr. Laufman, welcome. DAVID LAUFMAN, Former Justice Department Official: Thank you. MARGARET WARNER: So, explain… Read More »

Former TWA Flight 800 investigators caught with panties down and try to cover their ass by asking for a new probe

The fucking liars are about to be caught on TV and NOW they want to have a new probe.  Well how about a probe up your ass.  Before more spin gets put on this feeble attempt to cover their assess it is posted here for historical reasons.   Posted: Thursday, June 20, 2013 12:00 am… Read More »

men get punshied for staying healthy while wives get rewarded for causing husbands harm.

When women get punished for causing their husbands early deaths I will start to give a fuck about equal rights! According to NHS Dumfries and Galloway, there’s nothing better than a good strong male orgasam to keep the doctor away. The health board is even advising patients to spice up their love lives with “quickies”… Read More »


The fight? Really, let me make this as simple as possible.  The most expensive service industry in the world is about to be wiped out. Hospitals and Doctors will have no say in this. Nurses will have no say in this. Patients will have no say in this. Pharmaceutical companies will have no say in… Read More »

Obamacare FAILS because insurance with huge deductables is NO insurance at all

Free health clinic draws thousands in L.A. Transcript of this video This content comes from Closed Captioning that was broadcast along with this program. >>> a sign of the times in los angeles these past couple of days. a sports arena transformed into the world’s biggest doctor’s office. thousands showed up to receive free health… Read More »

Veterans Today: UFO war is on! False Flag? Hoax?: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco

Now an Asian intelligence agencies reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.” Kerry Cassidy was an early source on this and should be credited.  Her initial suspicions were inaccurate but her information… Read More »

Zombie Apocalypse Training: HALO Corp. To Train Military, Law Enforcement On Virus Outbreak

Training for when “people become crazy, violent and fearful” the joint Military-Police occupiers will be desensitized to killing US civilians after their training by HALO corp in San Diego this month. Wise the fuck up!  This is no tongue in cheek way to teach the military, “federal workers” and OUR police forces to work together… Read More »

Woman who sets up her own rape and records it for “the rape discount” now fucks all women up the ass.

Crystal Harris, a financial analyst who makes a six-figure salary, apparently tired of supporting her husband so he could be their two sons stay at home DAD since the economic collapse made it hard for him to find work in the construction industry. So, apparently she figured out what no man ever has.  How to… Read More »

Oh My! Dania Londoño Suárez, honest working girl in columbia had the same access as the maids to Johnny Dongs belongings…

Can you believe the drivel the MSM is putting out about some honest working girl that got stiffed when it was time for the Secret Service to pay up for her put out? They are all up in arms that she had access (while the agent was in the room) to his property. NEVER MIND… Read More »

Agenda 21: Arizona HAS BALLS! AND IS close to passing anti-UN-sustainability bill THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY IT IS AN AGENDA!

.”The bill is designed to protect the rights of Arizona citizens and prevent encroachment on those rights by international institutions,” Senate Bill 1507 was passed by the state Senate last month and received an initial House affirmation Wednesday. Burges told in an email. “We have three branches of government and when one branch preempts… Read More »

Arizona to declare its sovereignty and the next civil war!!!!

Arizona voters could get a chance this year to tell the federal government to fuck off and get out of what they do with their air, land, water and wildlife. Without comment, the state Senate gave preliminary approval Monday to enact a constitutional provision with the state declaring its “sovereign and exclusive authority and jurisdiction”… Read More »

What The Fuck

Teen Girls that are too ugly to fuck Men that are too pretty to throw out of the beauty contest Cops that kill Cops that steal Vegans that can’t read Women that rape the man next door Just read the last ten posts or so…

Global Warming (LIES) Models Are Wrong Again –

What is happening to global temperatures in reality? The answer is: almost nothing for more than 10 years. Monthly values of the global temperature anomaly of the lower atmosphere, compiled at the University of Alabama from NASA satellite data, can be found at the website The latest (February 2012) monthly global temperature anomaly for… Read More »

Stupid Researchers and foolish journalists pontificate that exercise can lead to female orgasm and sexual pleasure

Debby Herbenick and  Co-author is J. Dennis Fortenberry, M.D., professor at the IU School of Medicine and Center for Sexual Health Promotion affiliate came up with this conclusion after some women answered an online survey. The promotion of junk science continues. Herbenick states: “The most common exercises associated with exercise-induced orgasm were abdominal exercises, climbing… Read More »

A cherry picking warmest disciple is a pot calling the kettle black

Gleick and his religious cult continues to only display 0.01% of the known temperature record to bolster their research grants (welfare for Phd.s) and keep up the lie that man is warming the planet and we are all going to die from it. Fuck this schmuck and his kind.  Rome is under snow, Moscow is… Read More »