​A sign of life beyond death? – Page 2 – CBS News

By | May 2, 2015


Was sitting with my dad one rainy day and saying how bored I was. He asked me to put together an old rosary that belonged to his mother. It was all in pieces in his dresser drawer. I searched for all the loose beads and when I could find no more I carefully re-assembled it. When he died we put it in his hands and he was buried with it. After the funeral, I was doing my laundry and thinking how it would be nice if dad gave me a sign that he was still with us. Just as I had that thought, I reached into my jeans pocket and grabbed an unmistakable, wooden bead from that rosary! Granted, three beads were missing when I re-assembled it. Still, to have that thought and simultaneously find that bead was amazing! RIP daddy.

The paranormal speaker’s explanation about ghost behavior is similar to mine about the existence of God: why doesn’t God just appear one  time and say, “Look, earth guys, I exist. And I spoke through (this or that Scripture). So follow it” and that’s it!


Why have incarnations, prophets, crucifixions, burning bush, etc.?  When you think of it (and believers forego thinking for faith) if God appeared as burning bush  to Moses, God can certainly repeat the trick, or a greater, more visible, trick, such as appearing as burning gloves in the ring on May 2 in Vegas. How could anyone miss THAT?


This is not an anti-God argument, only our anthropomorphic idea of a god .

I was a skeptic for most of my life. Didn’t particularly believe in an afterlife and didn’t care one way or another. A few years ago, after the death of two close family members, I was “visited” by some kind of presences.  At first, I dismissed what I was seeing (shadows, usually human size, that I saw from the corner of my eye that darted out of sight when I tried to look at them) as tricks my eyes were playing on me.  Then, one afternoon I walked through a doorway and almost bumped into one.  It was just a very dark, shadowy thing that I can only describe as a presence but very real.  It seemed to want to get out of my way as much as I wanted to avoid it.

During this time period, I had some weird electrical disturbances, too.

No weird happenings for awhile.   Whatever it was I guess it just moved on. I just can’t dismiss what happened.  It was real.

i have never believed in ghosts and i am not overly religious. my sister who is a level headed no nonsense lady told me about an experience she had and i believe her. she was driving in her car through our town alone in broad day light going to a grocery store. shortly before she was to turn into the parking lot she checked her rear view mirror. there in the back seat she saw an elderly woman smiling sitting there looking out the window. she abrubtly stopped and got out of the car. of course no one was in the back seat. she has never seen this woman before or since. she still laughs about it and i have no reason to not believe her.

@chessty I believe it. Thank you so much for sharing this. We are all on different paths in this life; many different levels. Many will wish to argue over something that they never experienced in their life; so to them it simply is not real; and that is true for them; because it is not their path. Many other people are shown a glimpse of something that is real but they too do not understand why they were shown it. I my self watched a bird fly across in front of me and the bird flew into nothingness and disappeared completely in front of my eyes; as if a door opened and the bird entered into another room.


My children saw a ghost in an old antebellum home at ages 9 and 3… the eldest described it to me at the time, and the youngest has described it to me years later… a friend of mine also saw the ghost of a man who once owned her home, he was about a foot off the ground when she described the entity… there are far too many of these same sightings to ignore.

@Parism007 Funny how with everyone having a camera on them at all times these days that there is not one single recorded piece of evidence supporting the existence of “ghosts”.  Not one.  (That’s because they don’t exist.)  People see what they want to see.  The mind works in mysterious ways.

@hungryjimmy @Parism007  YOu’re kidding right?  There are TONS of pictures and videos.  Do just the tiniest bit of research, they’re out there for you to see.  I’m a skeptical believer.  No reason not to be skeptical, there are fakes out there.  But there are genuine pictures, photos, and stories as well.

As a subscriber to “Skeptical Inquiry Magazine” I pretty well suspect that the dead man has nothing to do with household phenomenon. The reason is basically because he is dead and dead people don’t do anything.

Hand print on a mirror = sign of life after death?  Call me crazy but that seems like a bit of a stretch.

So after I die, instead of moving on to a better place I will spend my time making hand-prints, stopping clocks and moving carpets for many long months. This sounds like a worse hell then the afterlife depicted in the movie Beetlejuice.. What if you die without a loved one? Do you haunt the dumpster behind McDonalds for months?

Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it “life beyond life”?

I think this question becomes a matter of defining existence. If the Universe has a significant non-rational component, if cause and effect are only illusions on the macroverse level, then there is room for nonrational stuff like human souls, gods, and things glowing red when they get hot, instead of white like they “should”

It the universe is a machine, where everything is natural and accessible to mathematics, then no… We don’t float away from our bodies with our mental faculties like Casper the Friendly Ghost. If the universe is not a machine, if parts of it are not accessible to mathematics in principle, it could be anything… including gods.

On the other hand, I was reading about Tibetan Lamaism and in one passage, their scripture says that the dead go to sing with the stones.. that stones sing one note forever, and they are in ecstasy. I thought it was a religious way of saying there was no afterlife.

@McCalis Even if the universe is a machine, it does not follow that everything about it is, or ever will be, comprehensible to humans, with their limited cognitive and sensory capabilities.  Thus, even in the “machine” scenario, there can be what might be called a non-rational component.  In fact, that is far more likely.  After all, humans are just a late-arriving evolutionary accident on an insignificant planet in an insignificant solar system in an insignificant galaxy.  Why should we believe that everything in the 13-14 billion years before our arrival has conveniently unfolded in a way that lends itself to analysis with our intellectual tools?

What nonsense.  Scientifically, death is DEFINED as the end of life.  Therefore, how can there be life after death?  What they’re talking about is some kind of continuance of a “spirit” or “essence” of the individual past the point of physical death.  But no one has ever proven that there’s any interaction between “spirits” or “essences” and the physical world.

I have the same problem! Everyday after my morning shower there are a lot of finger prints in the mirror, my wife says that I should clean it more often.

I lean towards believing it was her imagination running away with her after she failed to put the booze bottle down.

I lean toward believing it was something… whether it was her husband or not we will never know.  When I was a child, I had an experience of something-  I know what I witnessed and so it doesn’t really take a whole lot to convince me that there really is something beyond what we really know to be true.

To all you people believing in ghosts, like he said, there aint none, those are spirits, Some might have permission or they forgot the path, but whatever it is happening, you just have to accept Jesus in your hearts and ask them to leave, also wear the blood of Jesus on you, after this, no ghost or spirit or whatever it is there will not come near you. After you try this, please saiy thanks to God.  This has worked for me and beyond. Why because I am in his kingdom now. God Bless you all!

I have family in San Antonio Tx, there’s the famous Ghost Tracks where legend has it a school bus full of kids got stuck on the RR tracks and was subsequently hit by a train, killing several kids. The legend goes, if you park on the tracks, the dead children will push your vehicle off and leave their fingerprints on your trunk… my cousin relayed this story to me and I, ever the scientist, proposed every possible explanation to debunk it. Well, we went there that night in his Toyota Four Runner and parked ~10′ away from the tracks, truck in first gear, no hand brake, engine off – ~ 10 minutes of silence passed when the vehicle started a fine vibration, similar to a table fan vibration. The truck slowly rolled over the tracks and stopped ~ 10′ on the opposite side! We repeated this twice more in different gears w the same outcome; it didn’t work in reverse nor with the handbrake on. We had to stop when the patrol cars came. Next we went to the steepest hill we could find and tried duplicating the “experiment” with no success, even tried pushing the truck downhill!. The truck was intact and well maintained.

I cannot draw any conclusions to explain what happened that night, but I believe there’s phenomena in the world that have yet to be explained by science!


I dated this girl in college and had a dream about her, in the dream she’s sleeping and this man, who, later, reminded me of David Hasselhoff was sitting on her bed watching her. In the dream I approach him and thinking he has unfavorable intentions, I pull his head back; he tells me to “be cool” ( California surfer style ) he’s watching out for her. When I later awoke, I tell her about the dream and she finishes my description of this guy! I ask her who is he? She tells me he’s her guardian angel… that several of her friends have dreamt about him, but she’s never seen him… this too I’ve found fascinating!


Based on personal experiences, testimonials from others, I try to keep an open mind! There’s a full spectrum from hallucinations to actual encounters witnessed by several people, who knows for sure?


Try Ricardo Montalban + youtube + virgin Mary + india for something fascinating!

Ratings so bad that you need ghost stories CBS ?    Puuuuuhleeeze

I agree with the CBS debunker on this case for the same reason he put forth: She never had any tests done.  But as for his comment “There are no ghosts.”  Bull muffins!!!!!!!!

At about age five my family lived in an old farmhouse where a lot of spooky stuff happened.  There was an old hang-man’s tree in the back yard.  My sister saw a man hanging from it.  Somebody yanked a pair of pliers out of my dad’s back pocket and they were never seen again.  Stuff like that is why we moved from there.


Between Maud and Tecumseh OK there is a haunted catholic cemetery called Sacred Heart.  I will give you $50 to spend the night there.  There is a whole lot of spooky $#*t that goes on there.  There are actually two churches/cemeteries; one in front another in back.  The one in back is the one you want.  To start with you go through a gate and then up a long straight road that is overhung by trees on both sides [At night that’s really spooky].  There are actually several grave yards there; one for priests another for babies and another for regular corpses.  The first one you come to is the Priests’ graveyard.  Legend says  that you must walk out in the same order you walked in.  The last time I went my friends and I messed up the order to see what would happen.  I was the last one out and the second I closed the gate wolves started howling all around us and we quickly left.  You have to turn left off the main path to get to the Priests’ graveyard.  To get to the babies graveyard keep going after turning left.  It’s on the right.  In 1986 it had a header over the gate that had a cross carved in it that could only be seen from a distance.  Back then its gate was overgrown with weeds so we never went in there.

One night a large group of us went.  One was named Derek McAlister [Now goes by his birth name Derek Gibson].  We all went into one of the hay barns there.  Derek decided he had to relieve himself.  Because there were girls with us, he did so upstairs in the loft when the rest of us went downstairs.  We no more got out the door when Derek flew out of the loft hay door and he looked like he had seen a ghost, pun intended.  He said someone grabbed him from behind but  when he turned around no one was there.


After about twenty five years I recently moved back to my hometown of Seminole OK.  My niece  and I took her husband out there one day.  I’ve been trying  to get them to go at night but he says “No I ain’t pokin’ at the Spirit World.”  Anybody wanna go with me?


My brother’s mother in law lived in a house in Afton OK.  A pair of the previous tenants were brother and sister who had a weird incestuous relationship.  The sister planned to go on a real date.  Her brother said he would kill her.  She went anyway and he shot her in the face with a shotgun when she opened the door.  She can still be seen.  I saw her one day.  I was the only one there.  I was watching  TV on the end of the couch next to the open door to the  kitchen.  Three ft from the couch there was big window with white see-through curtains.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like part of the curtain float away.  I turned my head and watched her go through the kitchen into the laundry room where she disappeared.  My brother said it’s really spooky when she looks you in the eye.  I don’t remember the address but should you wish to check this story go to Afton OK.  On the only main road there is a Texaco convenience store.  Turn north and go about three blocks on the right.  It was then a brown house and about two blocks from the school.

@Warren D

Pay for my bus fare and I’ll spend a month there. I stopped being afraid of ghosts when I found out Santa Clause wasn’t real. I’ve worked around dead people 35 years.

I’ve had connections from beyond, my son passed 3 years ago and he comes to me in dreams and signs!

@canisee this Learn to use a pendulum and ask him yes or no questions to see if he will respond to you. He may not only be there, he may be with other relatives, who protect him. They either stay with him or have him stay with them. Even as a three year old, when they cross over, they take on the form of a 36 year old, but still look like they do. You can have him touch you, so you can feel what it’s like and probably wants to stay with you constantly. Ask him if he wants to stay inside you. That cloaks him from other spirits, so they can’t see him, when you are in public.



​A sign of life beyond death? – Page 2 – CBS News.