A radical experiment tried to make old people young again — and the results were astonishing – Yahoo Finance

By | April 7, 2015

They discussed historical events as if they were current news, and no provisions were made that acknowledged the men’s weakened physical state; no one carried their bags or helped them up the stairs or treated them like they were old.”Nothing — no mirrors, no modern-day clothing, no photos except portraits of their much younger selves — spoiled the illusion that they had shaken off 22 years,” Grierson wrote.A week later, both the control group and the experimental group showed improvements in “physical strength, manual dexterity, gait, posture, perception, memory, cognition, taste sensitivity, hearing, and vision,” Langer wrote in “Counterclockwise.”

via A radical experiment tried to make old people young again — and the results were astonishing – Yahoo Finance.