Five Flu Deaths in the County This Season

By | February 14, 2015


Independent Discussion Guidelines

“It’s not too late for members of the public to get the flu shot, Dean said.”

Of course it’s not too late — it’s time to have a clearance sale to get rid of remaining stocks, as they can’t be used next year.

“As we enter the peak of flu season, health officials announced Friday there have been five confirmed flu-related deaths in the county this season.”

Notice the deliberately deceptive and useless term “flu-related”. According to CDC statistics, there were only 18 confirmed flu deaths in the entire US in a recent year.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, up to 80% of the transnational corporations producing these products are criminal organizations [… ], and have been repeatedly found guilty of felony crimes, most related to falsifying studies and suppressing safety information about their products.

Despite numerous studies confirming that these hazardous toxic cocktails do not prevent viral transmission, local public health departments, such as the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, and allopathic medical establishments, such as Sansum Clinic, operate as these transnational corporations’ marketing departments, ignoring sound medical science in order to aggressively promote these nearly useless but dangerous products, adopting the corporate-engineered propaganda of the vaccine industry and its for-profit junk science.

Why? Perhaps just follow the money.

Annual profits of the top ten transnational pharmaceutical corporations are approximately $36 billion, more than the profits for ALL the remaining 490 Fortune 500 companies. So there’s an enormous amount of funds available to “educate” and influence local public health departments and allopathic medical establishments.

According to the British Medical Journal [… ] the transnational pharmaceutical industry has “incentivized” doctors, academics, journals, professional and patient organizations, university departments, journalists, regulators, and politicians.

Vaccine ingredients can include neurotoxins, immunotoxins, mutating cancer viruses, and heavy metals. Injected directly into the bloodstream, this toxic cocktail suppresses the immune system, likely increasing, rather than decreasing, the chances of getting the flu.

This article…

‘5 Reasons Why I’ll Never Get a Flu Shot’…

…lists 18 ingredients of a typical flu shot with information about the potential dangers of these toxins, and provides documentation for the statement:

“In actuality, the flu shot prevents the flu in only 1.5 out of 100 adults.”

via Five Flu Deaths in the County This Season.