Nagged to death?

By | May 9, 2014

A study on Danish men and women discovered stress caused by arguments or general worrying are prone to lowering people’s immune systems, as well as potentially leading to heart disease.

Dr Lund published her study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. She believes stress is the cause of early death and gave her opinion on why men are worse off.

“Previous research seem to say it is stress on your cardiovascular system which is associated with increase in blood pressure which is associated with heart disease,” she explained.

“Men to report smaller networks than women. They say their spouse or partner is their main confident. They may have a good friend or close colleague but their network is smaller.

“Women tend to have larger networks and they share the stress they have with good friends and family member.

“Men will limit their conversations with friends and family. The one person they have as a confident is actually the one putting the worries and demands on them then that could be making them more vulnerable.”


Can you be nagged to death? – TV3 Xposé Entertainment.