Supreme Court Justice Talks Candidly About Gutting The Second Amendment | The Daily Caller

By | April 30, 2014

He says: “…judges should continually reinterpret the words of the Constitution in accordance with what they, and other elite members of society, decide is the evolving enlightenment of modern society.”


According to the Militia Act of 1792 — passed the very next year — defines the militia as all able-bodied men ages 18 through 45, except those with a religious objection to using deadly weapons. That’s why when America’s population was 3 million when the Constitution was adopted, James Madison wrote that any president who became a tyrant would face an armed militia of 500,000. That was the estimated number of grown men in the American population.

That means all of us except children and the feeble.

via Supreme Court Justice Talks Candidly About Gutting The Second Amendment | The Daily Caller.