Why you still “don’t know jack” about the solar system

By | December 16, 2011

Because every image you have ever seen of your home solar system has been a complete lie.

You need to get the following into your mind to have any appreciation of where you live:

Go To  The Exploratorium page on the solar system

Punch in 1.68 inches for a golf ball sized SUN!

Notice that the earth will be 15 feet away and the size of a grain of sand.

Then you are free to give thought to the fact that the magnetic field of the sun is diminishing.  And give thought to the fact that our climate is controlled by Jupiter’s pull on the sun from 78 feet away when it is only the diameter of the lead in your pencil………

Some think that the pull is from Neptune, others from Jupiter.  Either way it is mind boggling that the gravitational fields of  the planets or the sun do indeed affect each other when you envision that something the size of the lead in a pencil can affect another object 78 feet away the size of a golf ball.  Then add to that  the fact that we still do not know what creates gravity or how it actually works everyone should realize that the human race still does not know jack about what’s going on around us or how the solar system works.

The Supreme Pundit subscribes to the theory that the planet-sun barycenter effects on the sun are not just correlation but are the cause of the variability in the solar cycle.  And from the data in the following papers  it is very clear that the solar cycle affects the climate and weather on planet earth more than anything else.  (Van Allen belts are a given).

Several papers are now available that explain this very clearly that I would only regurgitate here for you with less clarity and prose….. so you are free to download them here:

The first is the Best!

Are Uranus & Neptune responsible for Solar Grand Minima
and Solar Cycle Modulation?

This is the site where much discussion occurs on this:

Jovian angular momentum and it’s effect on the sun

I have not cranked through all the math on the next one but the text tells the story well enough.

On a Possible Generation Mechanism for the Solar Cycle

Solar Cycle 24-A Game Changer Revisited | Climate Change Sanity.