IF his story is true…..

By | December 8, 2011

Let this stand as a warning to all men.

There is much written (albeit speculated) that women that are aggressive in the workplace are very submissive in the bedroom.  If this Carlsbad man’s story is true that his wife and he would engage in rough role playing he just got raped by the system.

Crystal Harris a stockbroker and the breadwinner in the house accused her husband (a stay at home dad) Shawn of raping her and got the spousal support she had to pay him reduced from $3,000 a month to $1,000 a month after he is convicted on one of the three counts.

“I call that the rape discount,” Crystal Harris said.

Crystal testified that while changing panties right before having sex she first turned on a tape recorder she had already hid in her underwear drawer and then her husband raped her and that is what is heard on the tape.


Apparently she was plenty compliant during the first sex act on the tape but it sounded rough when she gave him a BJ after she said she did not want to.  She claims she was afraid.  She claims that he forced his dick into her mouth.  You can hear “no” being said on the tape per the UT articles.  For this he got six years in prison.

But that is not the worst.  The worst is the headline the femi-nazi press put out that reads:

Woman Forced To Pay Attacker’s Attorney Fees . That is how it is presented to the public.

If your partner likes it any way but quiet and slow you likely need to document just how it goes so when a recording shows up in court you have every session ever with that partner on tape and always get them to say at the end that was how they like it.

OR you can attempt to read one of the only two books I have ever not been able to get through:

Overcoming the Devastation of Legal Abuse Syndrome

The legal abuse syndrome is that walking zombie like condition after some person finds out just how bad the US. legal system treats men in divorce situations.