Raymond Johnson Denied Federal Aid For Breast Cancer Because He’s A Man

By | August 9, 2011

Raymond Johnson discovered he is ineligible for the Medicaid program that covers treatments for breast cancer because he is a man. Johnson is uninsured, and in order to afford the treatments, his patient advocate suggested he look into a federal program that could help. But a stipulation lies with receiving those funds: you must be a woman.

Breast cancer in men is about 100 times less common than in women, but there are still about 2,140 new cases a year, according to the American Cancer Society. And each year, 450 men die from breast cancer. But that did not matter to the femi-nazis that pushed through the laws that only benefit women.  Die filthy men, die.

I wonder what Jezebel has to say about this?

via Raymond Johnson Denied Federal Aid For Breast Cancer Because He’s A Man.