Feed Your Kids and the State will Kidnap them from you

By | July 14, 2011

If you are a “large boned” couple with a genetic propensity to have enough insulation to survive a harsh winter it is being proposed that the skinny bitch “do gooders” at child protective services can show up and take your kids!

No Shit!

“State intervention may serve the best interests of many children with life-threatening obesity, comprising the only realistic way to control harmful behaviors,” wrote Lindsey Murtagh of the Harvard School of Public Health and David Ludwig of Children’s Hospital in Boston.

“In severe instances of childhood obesity, removal from the home may be justifiable from a legal standpoint because of imminent health risks and the parents’ chronic failure to address medical problems.”

Some two million children in the United States are considered severely obese with a body mass index at or above the 99th percentile, the do-good doctors wrote.

“Obesity of this magnitude can cause immediate and potentially irreversible consequences, most notably type 2 diabetes,” they said.

I wonder if all Eskimo kids will be put in orphanages now?  Can you imagine  the mental and eating illness that these kids will develop because they were taken away from mommy and daddy because they ate too much? (Supreme Pundit)

Read it all here: AFP: State should take obese kids from parents: US doctors.