5 Days Notice on City Killer Asteroid

By | June 28, 2011

That’s right.  They are all downplaying the size and danger of an asteroid called 2011 MD.

It is officially a PHA or potentially hazardous asteroid and will come so close that it will sail in under our geosynchronous satellites.  It was only spotted 5 days prior to potential impact or fly by and is thought to be of the size that would break up in the upper atmosphere.  It is estimated to be between the size of a bus and of a house.  Thank god it is going to skim the earth in the area of Antarctica.  The difference between a fly-by and a impact or entry can be measured in hours considering that the earth is moving at 66 thousand miles an hour along it’s orbital path around the sun and the asteroid will come within 7,600 miles of the surface.

Five days notice and then only when it was determined that it would fly by instead of hit.

Stock up.