“cult of personality” the lazy managers misstep in hiring

By | November 10, 2010

cult of personality the lazy managers misstep

The wankers in the UK are all full of themselves with these ridiculous tests as part of the hiring practice.  And like many British they justify them with absolutely no knowledge of what they are talking about.  They do not know how the test was devised, what it tests, or the tests validity.  I chalk this up to a culture of that follows a royal leader without question and consider themselves the subjects of that ruler.  The British people are not capable of thinking for themselves.  They need some family to come over from another country and claim to be their leader so they will know to follow the directions of that leader.  This cult of testing is just another example of that.  I would recommended that anyone using employment tests to EDUCATE themselves by reading up on the tests with references such as “The Cult of Personality” book and others like it.  But sadly I do not have any reason to believe that the indoctrinated and programmed Brits are capable of educating themselves……

Oh did I not use the Queens English in that post.  Shut up you pathetic serf.

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