6 Terrorists Inspired by and Glenn Beck

By | November 2, 2010

When the matrix, (the matrix of lies) is pulled away by someone like Beck it can cause many that are unstable to become more so.  The key word is inspired.  The rest of the media inspires no one.  It is bland, fear mongering, sound bite ridden, drivel.  Any person in journalism in the current 5 corporation dominated mass media is just a zombie with a corporate hand so far up their ass that it just moves their mouth while the teleprompter tells their vocal cords what to regurgitate.

Not unlike this turd Jim Edward…… He is just trying to vilify the messenger.  Here is one “journalist” trying to silence another.

Another mouth piece for the fascism banking / media / arms cartel.

6 Terrorists Inspired by Fox News and Glenn Beck | BNET.