Attacks on “The China Study” grow more ridiculous

By | September 18, 2010

As people move away from eating pounds of dead farm animals and bovine smegma daily as they had been programmed to do the web becomes filled with fools trying to obfuscate the message.

The main point that is lost here is that people are being programmed by special interest groups to support the industry that the special interest group lies for. If someone steps up to challenge the propaganda the barrage of attacks is designed to confuse the reader and cover up the challenge. If Denise was educatedinstitutionally or selfin the subject she so personally and unprofessionally with extreme bias attacked a person on she would have some credibility but cherry picking data from a 894 page monograph with over 8000 data sets and claiming to be able to refute a mans life work is comical at best. The fact that this bandwagon is now being filled with fools claiming she refuted not just the conclusions of the actual study “Diet, Life-style, and Mortality in China” as well as the other hundreds of references as well as the biochemical pathways explained in Collins book is more disturbing. For the record I am not a vegan or any variant. I am only a truth in science seeker. Remember, fools get their education from the mass media OR blogs and websites.

The secondary point is that not weather or not we CAN eat meat or another energy source but should we and if so how much.

Read Collins Book.  Not so much for the diet advice but for how industry, media, and acedemia, program people.

“The China Study” by Collins

via A Challenge and Response to The China Study | Life Outside The Box | Tynan.