Personality Set for Life By 1st Grade

By | August 12, 2010

The old saying was that past 13 people do not change.  Well that is at least what I always said.  The “journalist” for this article says by the first grade the personality is set although the children studied were from 1st through 6th grade.

This brings us back to nature vs. nurture, or the blank slate issues if you may.  Are people hardwired at birth to some extent.  If so that implies that eugenics has some basis in fact and that kind of talk is very politically charged.

Are we not all created equal?  If we are not and that is accepted by the masses the entire social order will be turned upside down and inside out.  the cast system in India will have returned but worldwide. (The elite already believe that we are not all created equal.)

Personality Set for Life By 1st Grade, Study Suggests – Yahoo! News.