The MBA’s incomplete education

By | August 8, 2010

So the first steps in correcting this inadequacy is……

To read the first book that takes a scientific approach to analyzing successful management, and management techniques.

First, Break All the Rules:

What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently

Marcus Buckingham


The focus of most business programs on case studies has gutted intelligence from our companies management ranks.  To look at the cult of MBA’s one needs to read:

Managers, not MBAs : a hard look at the soft practice of managing and management development / Henry Mintzberg.

Mintzberg does a fair job of looking at how the for profit American education system has duped students and business into thinking that what they have to offer has any value.

Mintzberg then goes on to discuss other approaches to management development.

And finally because most MBA’s are weak in statistics, lateral thinking, and applied mathematics

Another Recommended Book:

Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results – Harvard Business Review.

Just go read them then come back.