Parents to be scrutinized on why and how they treat their kids colds?

By | July 23, 2010

Every new law sounds like a great idea if the press can vilify someone or something enough that we need to make a law against it.    ..   Watch out for that word “malicious”
Some Yahoo is now advising the world that we all need to be on the lookout for parents that give their kids some cold medicine when they were not REALLY sick.
That’s right next time your kid doesn’t want to take their crappy tasting medicine they just need to tell their teacher that they did not feel sick and you were making them take the yucky stuff!
This Yahoo, Dr. Yin, wants pediatricians and emergency medical personnel to be on the watch for this form of maltreatment, and suggests the use of comprehensive drug screening during the evaluation of a child suspected to be the victim of abuse.
Oh my god I can see where this is going.

“Susie did your parents EVER give you some yucky medicine when you did not need it?”
“Ok Susie thank you for your honesty, we now need to take these 7 vials of blood and locks of your hair to determine if you have ever been given any drugs when you did not need it.”

Dr. Yin also cautions parents that the “non-therapeutic administration of pharmaceuticals to children can result in serious outcomes, including death.”  To Dr. Yin, “The malicious administration of pharmaceuticals should be considered an important form of child abuse.”
Cops in Arizona cannot ask a guy with a backpack, water bottle, and three days of dirt on him that is standing 20 feet from the US / Mexico border if he is a citizen or not…
…. but emergency room personnel, cops, and teachers will start to ask your kids if you EVER gave them some medicine WHEN THE KID thinks he did not need it.
Then CPS rolls in, takes (Kidnaps) your child, then places them on Ritalin because the kids teacher wants them on it.

For 31 bucks you can read it yourself HERE

Can anyone provide a link to a free version?