5 Stupid, Unfair and Sexist Things Expected of Men : femi-nazi

By | July 30, 2010

How a femi-nazi thinks men are mistreated through sexisim.  This is the most laughable misguided bullshit I have read in a long time.  Any student of misandry needs to refer to this as an example of how far off the mark those in this camp can be.

Let’s start with 50% of marital assets OR alimony. Not both.  Alimony was invented to maintain the woman’s life after she left all of the assets behind in the divorce.  EVERYTHING about marriage and divorce is sexist and misandric.

If the fem-nazis wanted equality they would start with making divorce and marriage EQUAL.

5 Stupid, Unfair and Sexist Things Expected of Men | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet.